Welcome to Regina’s Regal Rewards Program!
Regal Rewards are gift certificates from national and local retailers. Participating retailers agree to sell gift certificates to Regina at a discount (1.5% – 17%). Families buy the certificates through Regina for full face value and redeem them for full face value at the stores. The discount is Regina’s Regal Rewards revenue. Half the revenue raised by the Regal Rewards Program will be given to the Regina General Fund. The other half of that profit is YOURS! Receive a check in your earned rebate amount or use it towards tuition, lunch account, sport participation fees or the yearly spring registration fee! Teachers and staff can also have accounts!
Once a year in April, all families that participated during the year will receive a letter sharing what was earned, and instructions for receiving your Regal Rewards PAYDAY. Your family earnings accrue for 12 months in our fiscal year (April – April).
By planning ahead and using Regal Rewards to shop for everyday purchases, a typical family can easily earn more than $15 a week. It adds up quickly– and it’s not uncommon for an average family to earn more than $500 in rebates in just one year! The more Regal Rewards you use for your shopping – the more money you earn. Your family and friends can help you too by purchasing through your family account.
Regal Rewards can be used for household items, food, clothing, entertainment, gasoline, dining out, and even trips. Using Regal Rewards is exciting because everybody wins: The retailer gets cash up front and repeat business, Regina gets a regular source of revenue and you get to keep 50% of the revenue you generate for your family.
Weekly orders for Regal Rewards are due by 9 am on Monday of “full order weeks”. Cards are then available on Friday for pickup in the JR/HS office by older students or sent home in backpacks for elementary students. Parents can also choose to pickup orders in the Regal Rewards office on Friday mornings. Full order weeks are listed on our calendar or accessed through the link below. During full order weeks you can purchase any quantity of gift cards from our full list of local vendors and national vendors.
Click HERE for the local vendor list.
Click HERE for the national vendor list.
The Regal Rewards Office keeps a limited quantity of our most popular gift cards for walk-in “cash & carry” sales from 8 am-9 am on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays when school is in session. Regal Rewards are also available for purchase at many Regina events.
Click HERE for a list of the cash & carry cards that we stock.
Click on the link below to download our current weekly order form.
Regal Rewards Office Contact Information
Phone: (319)-337-4781
Office hours (during the summer): The Regal Rewards office will be open Monday, July 24th – Thursday, July 27th from 8-9 AM. Summer cash and carry hours are also available on demand and can be scheduled by texting Michelle at (651) 295-8525 or Wendy at (319) 621-3444. You may also email regalrewards@regina.org to place an order for pick up in the Elementary Office (please call ahead before picking up, as the school offices are observing summer hours.)
Regal Rewards office location: We are located at the back of the school, upstairs in the 5th/6th-grade hallway in the Special Events and Fundraising offices area.
- Enter from the back parking lot (look for our signs) at the door that would take you into the cafeteria hallway (Door 26).
- Look for the stairwell on your left and take the stairway up.
- You will see the Admissions/Communications office at the top of the stairs.
- The next door on the right is where you will find Regal Rewards! (inside the Special Events and Fundraising Offices.)
- If you have any trouble doing stairs, just give us a call at 319-337-4781 and we will run your order out to you – curbside.
2024-2025 Regal Rewards Coordinators
Michelle DeGroot (651) 295-8525
Wendy Fountain (319) 621-3444
Volunteer Coordinator – Kelsey Zylstra
Local Vendor Acquisitions – Elissa Thoman
Local Parish Regal Rewards Coordinators:
St. Mary: John Gilroy
St. Patrick:
St. Thomas More: Maureen Donovan
St. Wenceslas: Gina Klein
Policies & Procedures click HERE
Enrollment Form click HERE
Shop With Regal Rewards (Information coming soon!)
Volunteer Opportunities click HERE
FAQ click HERE
Stay in touch and up to date with Regal Rewards! Follow and join our Facebook group!
The Regal Rewards Program is managed by Regina parent volunteers